WELCOME Gunalchéesh
for visiting!
Youth Education GHF is standing up to meet the ongoing needs of
Alaska Native students through educational
support and programs.
Language Revitalization With only 10 fully fluent Tlingit language speakers left,
GHF is working to ensure that Tinglit doesn't
become a lost Indigenous language.
Community Partnerships GHF embraces strength in community through
collaborations and meaningful partnerships.
Cultural Preservation GHF offers cultural enrichment opportunities that
will help safeguard Southeast Alaska Native culture,
heritage, and traditional ways of life.

The Goldbelt Heritage Foundation was established in 2001 and is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is managed and governed entirely by Alaska Native people.  

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Honoring multi-generational knowledge and leadership

Working with integrity, honesty, and trust

Being a part of a larger system of impact

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